Youth Fellowship

ECWA Central Area Youth Fellowship (ECAYF) began in the year 2000 with the following people who gathered themselves and formed the Youth Fellowship. The pioneer leaders are as follows:

Dr. Sunday Agbana

  1. Bro. Maijama’a

  2. Sis. Esther Sylvia

  3. Bro. Simon Ishaka

  4. Bro. Solomon Samuel

  5. Sis. Sarah Shemang

From there onwards, they planned and structured the Youth program, they started meeting every Mondays 5-7 pm and sport every Saturdays by 3 pm.

The Youth Fellowship was then formally inaugurated on the 22nd of January 2001 by Pastor Wole Ogunmola and co-ordinated by Bro. Emmanuel Ozigi. On the 29th of January 2001,

there was dedication and introduction of the theme “Remember now the creator” Ecl. 12:1, co-ordinated by Sis. Esther Sylvia and the guest speaker was Bro. Amos Samson. Thereafter, the program kicked off. They had programs like Youth forums, Bible studies, Praises, Varieties, Talk shows, Prayer Meetings, Seminars, Drama, Testimonies, Bible quizzes and so on, with about a total of 136 members.

The elected executive members from year 2001 – 2005 were:

Dr. Sunday Agbana – Leader

  1. Bro. Elisha Bawa – Vice Leader

  2. Bro. Hosea Akuja – Secretary

  3. Bro. Ezekiel Ajiboye – Assistant Secretary

  4. Bro. Simon Ishaka – Financial Secretary

  5. Sis. Theresa Rahab – Treasurer

  6. Bro. James Iliya – Prayer Secretary

  7. Bro. Jonathan T. Makadi – Bible Study Secretary

Later on the following were nominated:

Bro. Andrew Goje – Assistant Secretary II

  1. Bro. Emmanuel Shanono – Welfare Secretary

  2. Sis. Josephine Goje – Treasurer

  3. Bro. Maijama’a – Welfare Secretary

In the year 2004, the Youth Fellowship embarked on their first outreach to Zinda village in Abuja. The team that went to the village numbered about 29 members of the fellowship. A lot of activities took place ranging from film shows, to sharing of gift items and the Word. An altar call was made and 22 persons gave their lives to Christ.

Regarding the constant need for funds and attention to some common basic needs in the fellowship, the leadership of the fellowship in 2001 decided to embark on a long term project. The project was to get established, which shall become a permanent investment, which would serve the fellowship’s basic financial, spiritual and other inevitable miscellaneous needs. The project was the establishment of a Christian bookshop and good snacks. Investment from the shop was remitted to the Youth fellowship account.

In the year 2005, there was an election and the following executives emerged:

Dr. Sunday Agbana – Leader

  1. Bro. Elisha Bawa – Vice-Leader

  2. Bro. Samuel Akos – Secretary

  3. Sis. Salome Anyinu – Assistant Secretary

  4. Bro. Simon Ishaka – Financial Secretary

  5. Bro. Jonathan Makadi – Bible Study Secretary

  6. Sis. Josephine Goje – Treasurer

  7. Bro. Emmanuel Shanono – Welfare Secretary

  8. Sis. Margret Sunday – Prayer Secretary

In order to enhance the effective performance at the executive council of the fellowship, the following committees were put in place. The aim was to get every member of the fellowship involved especially in the are of their gifts. These committees were:


With the Youth Leader as the Chairman, Financial Secretary and Treasurer as members.

They were saddled with the following responsibilities:

  1. Source for Income.

  2. Disbursement of fellowship funds.


Welfare Secretary – Chairman

Assist. Secretary – Secretary

3 other members with the responsibilities of:

Organizing love feast.

  1. News.

  2. Picnic.

  3. Visitation and other social gatherings like Sports.


Bible Study Secretary – Chairman

2 other members

Charged with the responsibilities of producing Bible study outlines, setting up questions for Bible quiz and general question and answers.


Prayer Secretary as Chairman and 4 other members.

This committee was to handle all Prayer and Fasting, Night Vigil and to organise other prayer conferences for the fellowship.


Publicity Secretary as the Chairman, a Drama Leader, 2 Scriptwriters and as many members to produce and stage dramas, playlets and other comedies.


With a Music Director as Chairman, 3 Lead Vocals and 6 Backup Vocals with other members on the instrument/equipment. Responsible to compose theme songs and present same to the fellowship and the congregation. To also organize music concerts.

The Youth Fellowship continued to grow spiritually and in numbers too. The programs continued to take place, as usual, every Mondays at 5 pm with more spirit edifying programs like Brothers and Sisters Forum, Welfare day, Prayer and Fasting, Teachings on Evangelism, Picnics, Christmas Carols e.t.c.

After their successful end of tenure, an election was held again and the following were elected. They held the office from 2008 – 2011.

Bro. Emmanuel Shanono – Leader

  1. Bro. Bulus Anyinu – Vice Leader

  2. Bro. Samuel Akos – Secretary

  3. Bro. James Iliya – Assistant Secretary

  4. Bro. Christopher Dyaji – Assistant Secretary II

  5. Bro. Joshua Ozigi – Prayer Secretary

  6. Bro. James Jock Bako – Bible Study Secretary

  7. Bro. Reuben Adah – Welfare Secretary

  8. Sis. Rahab Daniel – Financial Secretary

  9. Sis. Tessy John – Treasurer

In 2008, the date of the fellowship was changed by the Church authority to Thursday’s 5-7 pm.

The following persons were later nominated to serve in the following capacities:

Bro. Godwin Auta – Assistant Welfare Secretary

  1. Sis. Nyela Satsi – Assistant Treasurer

  2. Sis. Justina Simon – Program Co-ordinator

Their tenure ended and there was another election in 2011, on the 13th of March. The following emerged as leaders:

Bro. Joshua Ozigi – Leader

  1. Bro. Tanko Dodo Jeremiah – Vice Leader

  2. Sis. Nabiye Tal – Secretary

  3. Bro. Christopher Dyaji – Assistant Secretary

  4. Sis. Christiana Joshua Ozigi – Prayer/Evangelism Secretary

  5. Bro. Elisha Menson – Bible Study Secretary

  6. Bro. Godwin Auta – Financial Secretary

  7. Bro. Kurutsi Ika’a – Treasurer

  8. Bro. Kehinde Aremu – Welfare Secretary

  9. Bro. Chukwu Joseph John – Assistant Welfare Secretary

The ECWA Central Area Youth Fellowship are dynamic Youth who have the potential of moving the gospel to the ends of the earth and also lift up the banner of righteousness. Due to spiritual negligence, the youth lost its place and the walls of righteousness, activeness, drunkenness in the spirit, power of the Holy Spirit and the gift of the Holy Spirit has been broken. Therefore the newly elected executives seek out their own vision as follows:

To refocus the Youth back to God and take their rightful place in the church.

  1. To build Youth to become leaders in the Church.

  2. To be active in Church activities.

  3. To carry out the gospel to the ends of the earth.

  4. To be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

FOCUS POINT FOR 2011 – 2014

Rebuilding the broken walls (Nehemiah 2:1-20)

As an arm of the church, they prayed that God should guide them and give them the grace to rebuild the broken walls.

In the spirit of building the broken walls, the executives set up sub-groups in the fellowship to build leaders and enhance their spiritual leadership skills. The groups were:

Zoe – God’s Life.

  1. Bethel – House of God or Gate of Heaven.
  2. Destiny – Fate; Predetermined state; the fixed order of things.
  3. Fortune – Wealth; Riches, Large amount of prosperity.
  4. Exalted – Elevation; Exhilaration, to rise in rank or status.

Group Focus:

  1. The group responds to every activities appointed by the fellowship executives.

  2. It is to build leaders.

  3. The groups should bring out hidden talents in every individual.

  4. To build up Youth to maturity.

  5. To compare with other youth members in other to give a challenge for spiritual growth.

  6. To empower the Youth.

  7. To build up relationship among Youths.

  8. To assist each other spiritually, financially, mentally, socially, academically e.t.c.

The Youth program continued and new programs introduced such as; Suya night, The Lords Supper and more programs on evangelism outreach were carried out. Among which was one tagged “RURAL RUGGED” that took place at Dukpa Village, Gwagwalada – FCT supervised by Elder Dan Lar and Elder Victor Omoregbee. The Evangelism comprised of prayers/deliverance, counselling, medical evangelism, film show, and devotions. The Youth stayed for 3 days, from 4th – 6th November 2011 with a total of 105 persons that gave their lives to Christ.

The Youth fellowship reformed the membership and had only the committed and registered members of about 88 members with a regular attendance of 60 to 70 persons weekly.

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