Let God Hold Your Hand – Gyuku Joseph Samuel

On a journey with a friend recently, I gained profound insight that reshaped how I view my walk with God. During our conversation, my friend shared a thought that stayed with me: “We must allow God to hold our hand and not we trying to hold His.”

This simple yet powerful truth resonates deeply. Often, we strive to hold onto God, thinking our strength can sustain the relationship. But the reality is that our grip is weak and prone to fail. On the other hand, when we allow God to hold us, His grip is unshakable and secure.

God’s Grip: The Assurance of Security

Jesus Himself said in John 10:29, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” This promise reassures us that when God holds us, nothing—no trial, temptation, or opposition—can pull us away from Him.

Similarly, His words in Matthew 28:20, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,” and the assurance in Hebrews 13:5, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you,” remind us that God’s presence and power are constant.

Why Let God Hold Your Hand?

1. His Strength is Greater
God’s hand is bigger and stronger than ours. When He holds us, we rest in His infinite power and love. Unlike us, He doesn’t grow weary or falter.

2. He Knows the Path
As the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2), God knows every twist and turn in life. Trusting His hold ensures that we navigate life’s uncertainties without fear.

3. He Never Let’s Go
While our grip may slip due to doubt, fear, or sin, God’s grip is steadfast. If we allow Him to take control, He won’t let us go, no matter what comes our way.

The Invitation

Allowing God to hold your hand means surrendering your will and trusting His plan. It’s a conscious decision to let go of control and rest in His sovereignty. He’s always ready; all you need to do is let Him lead.

A Prayer to Let Go and Let God

Lord, I surrender my life into Your mighty hands. Take hold of me, guide me, and keep me secure in Your love. I trust You to lead me on this journey of faith, knowing You will never let me go. Amen.

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